Version-2 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: To reach this sustainable poverty reduction pattern, it is necessary to find a strategy for poor households, how they can survive above the poverty line and even further away from the poverty threshold. The purpose of this study is to find out the important factors leading to former poor households in Denpasar City from poverty, as well as the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges to formulate defensive strategies above the poverty line. Data collection was done by structured and indepth interview. Data analysis was done by descriptive quantitative analysis technique and analysis with SWOT matrix. It is concluded that the strategy to survive above the poverty line is an aggressive strategy, which combines the strength factor (internal) and the opportunity factor (external).
Keywords: Poverty line, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
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Abstract: The Ombudsman has been institutionalized in many countries, but not all citizens in the country are aware of the existence of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman in Belgium and Swedenfor example they shows that the Public Organization in the country needs much improvement but the Ombudsman never receives complaints about it.. According to Article 1 number 3 of Law Number 37 Year 2008 concerning the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, Maladministration is a Behavior or act against the law, exceeds the authority, uses authority for other purposes of the authority, including negligence or neglect of legal obligations in the provision of public services Undertaken by the State Organizer and government, including individuals who assist the government in providing public services that cause.............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La Révolution Digitaleet Les Enjeux de L'emploi |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Par ThomasBangobangoLingo, Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0805022135 ![]() |
Abstract: La fin de la décennie 2010 en cours, tout comme la décennie 2020 à venir, sont considérées comme l'antichambrede l'arrivée dans les différents lieux de travail de la génération des robots dits 'intelligents & autonomes' (RIA, par la suite). Ainsi, tout comme l'arrivée de la machinerie avaitprovoqué l'émoi au XVIIIè siècle en détruisant des postes d'emploi jusqu'alors multiséculaires, la bibliographique internationale laisse apparaître des présomptionssimilaires quant à l'imminence de l'immixtion des RIA sur le marché du « travail humain ». Si des épisodes de luddismeparaissent peu probables à notre époque,l'image de Charlie Chaplin dans « Les Temps modernes » continue cependant à hanteun bon nombre de nos contemporains ! Ainsi, le directeur de l'Institute for Information Technology (Université Rice du Texas.............
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[4]. Boyd, Jade (2016), When machines can do any job, what will humans do?, Rice University News & Media, February 14, 2016, [enligne], consultéenaoût 2016
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Abstract: This research is aimed to identify and examine empirically the direct and indirect influence of Ethical Compliance Audit on Organizational Commitment through Commitment of prefession as mediation variable. Object of research is private lecturer at the Private University in Semarang. Respondents consist of 130 lectures from 11 private universities in the city of Semarang who have the certification of profession. The data obtained in the study has been collected by the questionnaire with Likert scale, then it was analyzed using a regression analysis with an intervening variable / path analysis. Testing instruments to test the validity and reliability of the variables shows all instruments.............
Keywords: Ethic Compliance Audit, Commitment of profession,Organizational Commitment
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study to Analyze FDI Inflow to India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyoti Gupta || Dr. Rachna Chaturvedi |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0805024452 ![]() |
Abstract: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment that is directly made into production and services in a country by a company situated in another country, either by buying a company or by expanding business in that country. In order to bridge the gap between domestic saving and investment FDI plays a very important role in overall capital formation. The objective of the current study is to analyze FDI inflows in India from 1991 to 2016, and to make predictions for next 5 years using least square method. Further inflows were studied on the basis of top countries investing in India, top sectors in which the investments are received. It was found that Mauritius alone contributed 33% of total FDI inflows to India. Mauritius and Singapore both collectively account for around 50% of the total inflows............
Keywords: BRIC countries, capital, FDI, investment, infrastructure.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Affecting Taxation of Ecommerce: An Empirical Study of the Kenyan Market |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Maryanne Wanjiru Kamande |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0805025359 ![]() |
Abstract: The Pareto principle implies that 80% of revenue is from 20% of the population. This stands true for KRA's statistics in revenue collection. This position may to some extent be a true reflection of the economy. It may also be a reflection of shortfalls on KRAs ability to net in persons from some sectors of the economy like ecommerce, thereby focusing on those who are already in its radar. It is imperative for KRA to keep abreast with changes in technology in order to optimize delivery of its mandate.........
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Abstract: Indonesia has natural tourism scattered in all regions. Objects of this nature have not all of them can be developed potential. CurugSewu located in District Patean,CurugSewu Village, Kendal Regency is famous as a natural tourist attraction. Nevertheless until now this tourist attraction has not become a natural tourist destination. The main obstacle is the absence of mutual understanding, agreement and togetherness among stakeholders in the management of the tourism object which consists of Government Institution, Educational Institution,. Private, Community Social Institutions, Security Officers and Villagers. Through Collaborative Management can be realized a management model that summarizes all stakeholder interests. The understanding, agreement and togetherness of stakeholders.........
Keywords : Collaboration, Ecotourism, Society.[1] Cassell, C., Symon, G. 1994. Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. London: Sage
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Abstract: The study was intended to analyze the fish biodiversity and economic performance of fishing in Dekhar haor of Sunamganj district, Bangladesh. During the study period, 84 species of fish fauna under 30 families were recorded. Overall, value of Shannon-Wiener diversity (H), Simpson's diversity (D) and Simpson's Reciprocal index (1/D) were found 2.041, 6.290 and 6.369 respectively indicating a greater diversified area. The results of the cost and return indicated that the fishermen spent almost half (48.56%) of their total cost for purchasing fishing gear which was accounted Tk. 93056.06 per season. It appeared from the profitability analysis that, per season gross return and net profit from all species were Tk. 74779.25 and Tk. 55616.25, respectively for small-scale haor fishing. BCR was 3.90 for fishing which indicated that the haor fishing was profitable and expected to continue. Fishermen were faced with several constraints among which flash food was marked as a serious problem in this study area.
Keywords : Fish biodiversity, Haor area, Profitability[1]. Nishat, N, Fresh water wetlands in Bangladesh issues and Approach (International Union for Conservation of nature, 1993) (9-22).
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Abstract: Local government equity participation in the regional development banks, called Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD), is a local government program in order to encourage local businesses in Indonesia for community welfare, which is based on the Law Number 23 of 2014. The objective of this study was to analyze the local equity participation of 26 provinces in 26 BPDs. The research method used two stage least square (2SLS) regression. The results of the study illustrated the estimations of six structural equations and one
identity equation by using the data in the provincial government financial statements and the data n the
financial statement/annual report of each BPD from 2010-2015. The conclusion is that the model built was able to perform the estimations and simulations because the validity of the model met the U-Theil requirements of near zero and R2 approaching one. Thes.........
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Abstract: After the recent financial turmoil, housing market has become a discussing issue around world. In this paper, it is investigated relationship between macroeconomic shocks and house market dynamics in Turkey over period 2005M12 to 2016 M06.To apply the study, we have used consumer price index, industrial production index, interest rate, money supply and real exchange rate variables in the terms of representing macroeconomic shocks, on the other hand, building prices and number of buildings variableshave been used for house markets by utilizing SVAR (Structural Vector Autoregression) Model. The results show that macroeconomic shocks have little effect on the housing market, and these findings are supported by results of previous studies.
Keywords : Macroeconomic Shocks, Housing, Structural Var[1] Bulligan, G. (2009), Housing and Macroeconomy, Housing Markets in Europe: A Macroeconomic Perspective, 19
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